The founder of the college is the late Mr. Abdullah Muhyi Al-Din Al-Junaid 1925-2008, who was a symbol of national and cultural enlightenment and one of the first and dean of Sudanese plastic artists. He was one of the pioneers of Sudanese intellectuals before independence. Royal College of Art, University of London - United Kingdom (1957 CE) They are in many fields of national and cultural work. He served his country efficiently and faithfully and distinguished himself in many official positions he held as a teacher, mentor and administrator. Bold in putting forward initiatives, strongly believing in youth and women, preaching their capabilities and defending their issues.
Mr. Al-Junaid neglected the child in his enlightening humanitarian project, as he assigned him to care and attention through the Educational Publishing House and educational activities at the Ministry of Education and through the Algirsh Industrial Institute for the Rehabilitation and Care of Homeless Children, of which Mr. Al-Junaid was one of its founders and sponsors. Finally, Professor Al-Junaid established the Khartoum College of Applied Studies as a translation and culmination of all these national intellectual, creative and educational visions. A number of senior education men joined him, along with distinguished personalities in the Sudanese socio-economic field as an advisory body and as members of the college’s board of trustees, and the academic and administrative foundations of the college were laid. and future plans for its development.
م يغفل الأستاذ الجنيد الطفل في مشروعه الإنساني التنويري، حيث خصه بالرعاية و الاهتمام من خلال دار النشر التربوي و المناشط التربوية بوزارة التربية و التعليم و من خلال معهد القرش الصناعي لتأهيل ورعاية الأطفال المشردين الذي كان الأستاذ الجنيد من مؤسسيه و من رعاته. وأخيراً أسس الأستاذ الجنيد كلية الخرطوم التطبيقية كترجمة وتتويج لكل هذه الرؤى الفكرية و الإبداعية و التربوية الوطنية .ضم إليه عدد من كبار رجالات التعليم إلى جانب شخصيات مميزة في الحقل الاقتصادي الاجتماعي السوداني كجسم استشاري وكأعضاء في مجلس أمناء الكلية، وتم وضع الأسس الأكاديمية و الإدارية للكلية و الخطط المستقبلية لتطورها.